Inspired by the work of Mother Angeline and The Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm
The Carmelite System, a Catholic not-for-profit health system sponsored by the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm, consists of senior care facilities located throughout the United States and Ireland. The Carmelite System, headquartered in Germantown, New York, focuses on system-wide coordination and collaboration to foster mission, improve quality and attain operational efficiencies.
The Carmelite Sisters have been about the ministry of senior care since 1929, when Venerable Mother Angeline Teresa and six companions courageously moved beyond the Little Sisters of the Poor and pursued a vision of senior care by starting a new congregation focused on post-acute services. In 1999, The Carmelite System formed to provide supportive services and guidance to ensure compassionate, loving care of the highest standards with wise stewardship of resources.